◇ 보관글

node.js json to xml

아맹꼬 2015. 5. 15. 19:00




The easiest way to install js2xmlparser is to use npm: npm install js2xmlparser.

Alternatively, you may download the source from GitHub and copy it to a folder named "js2xmlparser" within your "node_modules" directory.



The js2xmlparser module contains one function which takes the following arguments:

  • root - the XML root element's name (string, mandatory)
  • data - the data to be converted to XML; while the data object can contain arrays, it cannot itself be an array (object or JSON string, mandatory)
  • options - module options (object, optional)
    • declaration - XML declaration options (object, optional)
      • include - specifies whether an XML declaration should be included (boolean, optional, default: true)
      • encoding - value of XML encoding attribute in declaration; a value of null represents no encoding attribute (string, optional, default: "UTF-8")
    • attributeString - the name of the property representing an element's attributes; note that any property with a name equal to the attribute string is ignored except in the context of XML attributes (string, optional, default: "@")
    • valueString - the name of the property representing an element's value; note that any property with a name equal to the value string is ignored except in the context of supplying a value for a tag containing attributes (string, optional, default: "#")
    • aliasString - the name of the property representing an element's alias; the name of the containing element will be replaced with the alias (string, optional, default: "=")
    • prettyPrinting - pretty-printing options (object, optional)
      • enabled - specifies whether pretty-printing is enabled (boolean, optional, default: true)
      • indentString - indent string (string, optional, default: "\t")
    • convertMap - maps object types (as given by the Object.prototype.toString.callmethod) to functions to convert those objects to a particular string representation; * can be used as a wildcard for all types of objects (object, optional, default: {})
    • useCDATA - specifies whether strings should be enclosed in CDATA tags; otherwise, illegal XML characters will be escaped (boolean, optional, default: false)




The following example illustrates the basic usage of js2xmlparser:

var js2xmlparser = require("js2xmlparser");

var data = {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith"

console.log(js2xmlparser("person", data));

> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <person>
>     <firstName>John</firstName>
>     <lastName>Smith</lastName>
> </person>

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